Highlights for Children
Crafting! The Timbertoes are a handy bunch, especially Pa! Pa makes a whistle for Tommy, and a doggy door for Spot. His plans don't go exactly as he wanted when he makes a snow buggy. Finally, all the Timbertoes join in, and have a fix-it day at their house. Stories by Rich Wallace, and Marileta Robinson.
Camp out! Bryan and Syd are totally different, but they were put together as camp roommates and have to learn to get along. Tara and Shelly overcome their fears to become members of the camp's canoe squad. Tex and Indi make a blanket fort to pretend they're camping in the woods! Zach, Miguel, and Dad go camping. When they go to bed, they listen for animal noises, but all they can hear is Dad snoring! Stories by Highlights for Children, Carol A. McClelland,...
Listen and relive the exciting tales from Highlights, now on audio! Learn about life on a small farm during the Great Depression and about the battle that inspired Francis Scott Key to write "The Star-Spangled Banner," along with other stories about US history.
Stories include: 1800 and Froze to Death by Lois Fuller Lewis, A Brick to Cuddle Up To by Barbara Cole, Abraham Lincoln Has His Neck Shortened by Harold Holzer, Braving the Darkness by Joann...
Huge whales! Learn about where whales live, and how they interact with each other. Get ready to learn why whales blow bubbles at each other, or what it means when they wiggle their flippers. Is a whale shark even a whale, or just an imposter? Stories by Kim Valice, Carolyn Short, Linda Brown Anderson, and Heidi Poelman.
All kinds of creatures! Why is Spot barking? Spot is a very curious dog. He finds worms in the yard, a mouse in the house, birds in the sky, and even a strange tower made of blocks. Spot needs to be careful when he explores! Stories by Marileta Robinson and Highlights for Children.
Summer Camp! Arizona learns the importance of paying attention to her instructors while riding a horse. During a scavenger hunt, Arizona discovers the importance of a positive attitude when working with a team. Arizona discovers that everyone is worried about going to camp for the first time. Stories by Lissa Rovetch.
Astronauts in space! Hear from real life astronauts and learn about what they do when they're in space. Hear answers to kids' questions, and see beautiful pictures taken by an astronaut from the International Space Station. Stories by Jack Myers Ph.D., Highlights for Children, and Amy Hansen.
Brr! Five snowmen race down a hill, but only one makes it to the finish line. In another kind of snowstorm, Jem uses her quick thinking to save her new friend, Vianna. Issac is excited to see snow for the first time, and Angela finds a new way to fly. Stories by Kathleen Doherty, Roxanne Werner, Nancy Dearborn, and Wendy Hogarth.
Real dinosaurs! Read about Triceratops' horns and their purpose. Did you know that there are animals alive today that move similarly to dinosaurs? Sometimes museums display copies of dinosaur fossils instead of the real thing. Learn how the Smithsonian made an exact copy of a dinosaur skeleton. A dinosaur fan's dreams came true as he watched a dinosaur skeleton being rebuilt. Stories by Sharon Pochron, Cheryl M. Reifsnyder, Ph.D., Suzanne McIntire,...
Imagination! Anita builds a creative fort. A bucket can be anything you desire. Zoey plays dress-up at school. She decides to be a cowgirl and then creatively builds a horse. The read a fun story about misunderstanding idioms and imagination taking over. Stories by Highlights for Children, Alexander Mercer McCarren, and Tiffany Alenefelt.
Meow! There are so many kinds of cats, but they all seem to have one thing in common: they love mischief! Tex and Indi deal with Cow interrupting their projects. Jesse and his parents decide what to name their cat. Another family ends up with too many cats who won't go away! Stories by Highlights for Children, Lissa Rovetch, and Joy Cowley.
Bugs! See the work of an artist who makes giant sculptures of some of the world's smallest creatures. Enjoy a creepy crawly counting poem. Learn about an insect eating caterpillar and get answers to questions such as why can't bugs talk? Stories by Jennifer Mattox, Mary Meinking, Charlotte, Gunnufson, and Highlights for Children.