Michael Toms
Following the lead of his racially color-blind son, Michael Rosen and his wife found themselves adopting a group of underprivileged African American boys within the context of their very privileged Caucasian world. What began as a kids' baseball game in the park, became a commitment that would bridge the racial and cultural divide.
Since 1973, New Dimensions Radio has presented an ongoing history of the future. As we enter the new millennium, and in celebration of twenty-seven years of consistent quality in broadcasting, we bring you an interview conducted by visionary philosopher, Jean Houston with Michael Toms, co-founder, executive producer, and acclaimed host of New Dimensions.
When asked about living a life of the heart, Barks says, "Rumi has many ways of talking about that. Somehow breaking the container of the ego and moving out into some mystery." He says, 'Jars of spring water are not enough anymore. Being contained is not enough. Take us down to the river and then eventually to the ocean, the shoreless ocean.'
10) Money Wisdom
Money can't make you happy, but not having it can cause problems. Why is it that so many of us experience trouble with our finances? Financial planner Suze Orman has surprising answers for us. "So many of us think that the amount of money you have ultimately determines your emotional state. It's your emotional state that determines how much money you have."
Lippe, a natural ecologist, believes the whole earth is a cornucopia. "If you acknowledge that there is enough for everybody, then you don't have to hold on to everything in case you might need it, the way most of us do with things we haven't used for twenty years." She's author of Nothing Left Over: A Plain and Simple Life.
If you feel time has speeded up and the pace keeps getting faster, Margo Adair has some tools to transform the situation. With a non-sectarian approach that borrows from Quaker and Buddhist principles, she addresses problem-solving through visualization, intuition and the imagination.
Westerners look to science to explain the way things are. Yet science often overlooks something essential to life: the human spirit. Although spirit cannot possibly be seen through the lens of a microscope, captured on a video camera or explained through scientific experiments, few of us would deny that it exists. Huston Smith breathes new life into our search for truth.
Dr. Goswami delivers this most encouraging statement: "Consciousness in its primacy is joy. Once we have a taste of this primal joy, we can never forget it." He's an Indian-born physicist and philosopher who has been pursuing a deeper truth in science which has led him to the conclusion that understanding human consciousness is central to understanding modern physics.
Charlie Hess has made a profession of thinking outside the box. Instead of relying only on evidence directly related to the issue at hand, he gathers data from a network of resources in seemingly unrelated fields. He mixes all the information with a healthy dose of discipline and a measure of intuition and helps decision-makers in all walks of life anticipate shifting tides in business, politics, technology, and social change.
Poet and workshop leader Whyte tells us, "Poetry belongs in many parts of our lives. It can bring mythological and concrete worlds together." He takes us on a journey from the outer world of the Galapagos Islands where he was a Naturalist Guide to the inner world of an emerging poet.
This is an inspiring, engrossing tale of one man's odyssey from physics professor and college president to citizen diplomat, searching for "a better game than war." Fresh, candid, and compassionate, he challenges us all in new ways to find our passion and respond to it, to think about our values and the nature of change and risk.
Do you have a dream for your life--or wish you had one? Are you ready for some well-grounded help in determining how to discover and realize your dream? Morrissey offers inspiring focus on staying true to our core values and personal growth as we pursue a "partnership with the divine."
20) Rescuing Christ
Andrew Harvey believes we are undergoing a revelation of consciousness about who Christ really was and what his message truly meant. Harvey makes an important distinction between Christ and other prophets. Jesus came right down into the terrible suffering and agony of the real world, to work there with ever greater intensity and ever more passionate abandon to love.