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Die Stadt Felsengrund hat ein Geheimnis, das sie für die Feinde uneinnehmbar macht. Bis ein sehr hinterhältiger Feind ihre vermeintliche Stärke durchkreuzt und die Stadt mit List erobert.
Es wird lange dauern bis sich die Bürger Felsengrunds wieder an ihr Geheimnis erinnern und somit zur Freiheit zurück gelangen.
Following Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's call to follow "The Way of Love: Practices for a Jesus-Filled Life" each of these seven little books will provide an entry point to the novice who wishes to learn more about how to begin a practice of turning to Christ, learning about the faith, prayer, worship, the sharing of gifts with others (bless), being a disciple (go), and rest (take time for self-care). Gleaning from the wisdom of CPI authors, each...
Discover Strength, Hope, and Peace Every DayStart each day with inspiration and encouragement with In Him We Live: A Daily Devotional. Designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine, this devotional provides 30 thought-provoking reflections to uplift your spirit, deepen your faith, and renew your perspective.Each day's entry combines a meaningful scripture, a brief reflection, and a prayer or practical action step to help you draw closer to God...
4) Dues Ethic
Hey! Welcome to Leadership Development This writing just happens to be the third addition to the original book; Dues Ethic-Perpetual Principle. Meaning if you are reading this one, you already of your own or class reading gained a deep thesis on the study of the first things specifically being the dues in this series of writings about tithe. If you are reading for self development welcome to another level of revelation: but if you are reading to sit...
Saint Augustine of Hippo is one of the central figures in the history of Christianity, and this book is one of his greatest theological works. Written as an eloquent defense of the faith at a time when the Roman Empire was on the brink of collapse, it examines the ancient pagan religions of Rome, the arguments of the Greek philosophers, and the revelations of the Bible. Pointing the way forward to a citizenship that transcends worldly politics and...
First published in 1885 by South African religious leader and writer Andrew Murray, "With Christ in the School of Prayer" contains 31 powerful and inspiring lessons on prayer in daily life. While born in South Africa in 1828, as Murray's father was a Dutch Reformed Church missionary sent from Scotland, Murray grew up educated in Scotland and later the Netherlands. He returned to South Africa in 1848 after his ordination, pastored several churches...
Written by Father Jean-Pierre de Caussade, a French Jesuit priest and author, "Abandonment to Divine Providence" contained in this volume is a treatise on the practice of total abandonment to Divine Providence, or in other words, completely giving yourself over to God's will. Father De Caussade, born in 1675 in Cahors, France, became the spiritual director to the Nuns of the Visitation in Nancy, France from 1733-1740. During his time at the convent...
The Practice of the Presence of God A New Translation is a newly translated version of the 17th-century classic by Brother Lawrence, a French Carmelite monk. For centuries, The Practice has enlightened readers seeking a personal connection with God. Unlike traditional spiritual works that sometimes demand rigorous discipline or theological expertise, Brother Lawrence's teachings are disarmingly simple and accessible, as he was a lay brother whose...
An ECPA 2023 Christmas Bestseller!
A special gift edition of the bestselling book for Advent that reveals the wisdom and wonder of animals in the natural world
In twenty-five portraits depicting how wild animals of the northern hemisphere ingeniously adapt when darkness and cold descend, we see and hear as if for the first time the ancient wisdom of Advent: The dark is not an end but the way a new beginning comes. Short, daily reflections...
10) Commentaries and Sermons on the Book of Revelation – Is the Age of the Antichrist, Martyrdom, Raptur
Most Christians today believe in the theory of pre-tribulation rapture. Because they believe in this false doctrine teaching them that they would be lifted before the coming of the Great Tribulation of seven years, they are leading idle religious lives steeped in complacency.But the rapture of the saints will occur only after the plagues of the seven trumpets run their course until the sixth plague is all poured-that is, the rapture will happen after...
Be enveloped in the gentle and tender embrace of a loving God who longs for a restored relationship with his children.What does confession mean?
Why do I need forgiveness?
How can I reconcile a broken relationship?
Whoever thought that confession could be about God confessing his love for us? In confession we are reconnected to the voice of God in our soul who whispers -- Do not be afraid. I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name. You...
Jesus Christ return is imminent to bring foreseen peace to humanity which He has planned and promised for more than two-thousand twenty-four years ago. All the signs from the Bible are falling into place for Jesus Christ to return after seven years of the Tribulation. Jerusalem is now in distress and the Bible states that He will return once this happens. More than two-thirds of the prophecies in the Bible have already happened and become true. Be...
PRINCIPLES OF PROPHETIC PRAYERS Book Description: Prayer is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith, but often it can become routine and lacking in real power. In Principles of Prophetic Prayers, author Prophet Dr PD John shares their personal journey of struggling to learn the principles of prophetic prayers and the transformative impact it had on their prayer life. In this book, readers are taken on a transformative exploration of the principles...
14) The Righteousness of God That Is Revealed in Romans – Our Lord Who Becomes the Righteousness of God
The gospel of the water and the Spirit is God's righteousness!The words in this book will satisfy the thirst in your heart. Today's Christians continue to live while not knowing the true solution to the actual sins that they are committing daily. Do you know what God's righteousness is? I hope that you will ask yourself this question and believe in God's righteousness, which is revealed in this book.God's righteousness has been with the gospel of...
Visit fifty-two churches in a year? Am I crazy? Maybe.
I spent a year visiting a different Christian church every Sunday: Protestant mainline, evangelical, and charismatic, Roman Catholic, and more.
I visited a church just like yours. I'm positive.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll cringe.
But 52 Churches doesn't rip at the modern church. It's not a church-shopping romp or a mean-spirited journalistic exposé. Instead it's a gift that offers encouragement,...
Marriage is one of the most significant commitments any person can make in this life. Amongst the myriad of preparations you can make, what is most important for a lasting, healthy relationship? Understanding that marriage is not eternal-but its
fruit is-Mike and Anne Rizzo, seasoned marriage counselors, turn our gaze Godward. A vertical focus, on the Creator of marriage, becomes the best foundation for building a beautiful, life-long bond with...
The poor will always be with you, Jesus said – but that doesn't mean Christians have ever figured out how to be with the poor.
Pope Francis has emphasized a vision of a "Church that is poor and for the poor." But growing economic inequality continues to spread across the globe. This book takes a fresh look at the role of churches, and individual Christians, in relating to poverty and the poor among them. A strong focus is placed on the biblical...
18) Order Ethic
There is a clearly new thing that pops up in the book of Hebrews that proves to have been there way before it is clearly mentioned. There is a deliberate word Order popping up in the scheme of things. And it is so often mentioned in the said book one cannot just pretend to not be disturbed by it. A thing that should spark the question:What is an Order?Hebrews 5:4-6, 9-11 KJV And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God,...
A SUBMISSIVE SPIRITUAL SON Author: Prophet Dr. PD John Book Description:In a world that often celebrates independence and self-assertion, Prophet Dr. PD John invites readers to embark on a transformative journey of understanding and embracing the profound significance of submission in their spiritual lives. In his thought-provoking book, "A Submissive Spiritual Son," he explores biblical teachings that emphasize the importance of cultivating a submissive...
Rediscovering Grace: Embracing God's Unconditional Love by Seraphina Blake invites readers on a transformative journey through the profound depths of God's grace. This book delves into the true nature of grace, exploring its power to heal, transform, and uplift every aspect of our lives. From understanding the concept of grace and its importance, to embracing forgiveness, letting go of bitterness, and finding strength in adversity, each chapter provides...
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